Friday, November 19, 2010

Everything I ever needed to know I learned from my 3 year old

Everyone is a friend you just don't know yet * When you do something naughty, wear a sincere face when you say you are sorry * If you make a cute enough face, you will be allowed to have two lollipops BEFORE dinner * Birthdays aren't really about what's IN the packages, it's about getting to OPEN the packages * If you declare something to be "dipsgusting" in a very loud voice, you will only have to eat one bite of it * Jumping on the bed is NECESSARY * It's not ok to use a bucket to dump your bath water out onto the bathroom floor * Your baby sister will think it is hilarious if you pretend to fall down. A LOT. * When using the restroom in a public place, it is fun to sing loudly * It's ok to celebrate a little when you do something good * Daddies think farting is funny. Girls don't. * All fish should be named "Smiley" or "Spot" * Wocky Woad is the best flavor of ice cream * When saying prayers you should always say thank you for your favorite Superman shirt * Dancing is not optional * Mom is going to take a lot of pictures. Just grin and bear it. * Daddy is green, Mommy is pink. It doesn't matter why, that's just the way it is * Sometimes you just need to sit in time out * When you are the leader, you probably shouldn't have everyone follow you into the potty * Mommy is a princess * There is always time for one more book before bed * Start every day by saying "Good Morning." * Manners are important, but being truthful is more so * You have to wash your hands after going potty, even if you "didn't hold your wiener." * Matching socks are not always necessary * You should play a little every day * Love is not unconditional, it is inclusive * Pb&J is clearly superior to most other meals * Coloring in the lines is fine, but if you go outside the lines it's just because you see the picture a little differently than everyone else *

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