Friday, November 19, 2010

Everything I ever needed to know I learned from my 3 year old

Everyone is a friend you just don't know yet * When you do something naughty, wear a sincere face when you say you are sorry * If you make a cute enough face, you will be allowed to have two lollipops BEFORE dinner * Birthdays aren't really about what's IN the packages, it's about getting to OPEN the packages * If you declare something to be "dipsgusting" in a very loud voice, you will only have to eat one bite of it * Jumping on the bed is NECESSARY * It's not ok to use a bucket to dump your bath water out onto the bathroom floor * Your baby sister will think it is hilarious if you pretend to fall down. A LOT. * When using the restroom in a public place, it is fun to sing loudly * It's ok to celebrate a little when you do something good * Daddies think farting is funny. Girls don't. * All fish should be named "Smiley" or "Spot" * Wocky Woad is the best flavor of ice cream * When saying prayers you should always say thank you for your favorite Superman shirt * Dancing is not optional * Mom is going to take a lot of pictures. Just grin and bear it. * Daddy is green, Mommy is pink. It doesn't matter why, that's just the way it is * Sometimes you just need to sit in time out * When you are the leader, you probably shouldn't have everyone follow you into the potty * Mommy is a princess * There is always time for one more book before bed * Start every day by saying "Good Morning." * Manners are important, but being truthful is more so * You have to wash your hands after going potty, even if you "didn't hold your wiener." * Matching socks are not always necessary * You should play a little every day * Love is not unconditional, it is inclusive * Pb&J is clearly superior to most other meals * Coloring in the lines is fine, but if you go outside the lines it's just because you see the picture a little differently than everyone else *

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The elusive "O"

So I've noticed that there are 2 kinds of women. Those who will do anything for the "O" and those (like me) who couldn't care less. Don't get me wrong, I don't actively avoid the "O." If it is convenient, easily attainable, and not too expensive (more on that later,) then sure, I'll go for the "O." But most of the time, it is too much of a bother. However, for those who swear by the "O," there is nothing more important than to make sure that it is all "O" all the time. I love my friends, but for those "O" Mommas, sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with all the "O" talk. I get lectures on the health benefits of the "O." I understand that the "O" is completely natural, there have been studies showing the more "O" you get, the more healthy your family can be. I sometimes feel like I am disappointing my crunchy granola, long haired, sandal wearing nature Momma friends when I admit that I might have gone all week with no "O" at all. I also don't understand going all over the place to find the elusive "O," I have a few tried and true locations I like to hit, I don't have time to be journeying over every hill and valley. Also, have you noticed that if you insist on only the "O," you might find yourself having to deal with more bugs than are really necessary. I know it's gross to talk about, but it's true. The more "O" you have, the more bugs you have to pick out. Finally, for something that is so wonderful, natural, and (if you believe the hype) beneficial to all involved, why does it tend to be so ridiculously expensive? You'd think that if my doctor wanted me to have multiple "O's" throughout the day, I should be able to get a prescription and only pay my co-pay. $4 generic anyone? So, while I don't object to "O" on principle, I will continue just having "O" when it happens and not try to force it into every meal. So, what do you think? Are you an all "O"rganic kind of Mom?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh Nutella, where have you been all of my life?

Quick, think of a food item you don't like.
Got one? Ok, now think about this. When was the last time you actually ate that item? It's been a while, right? It's even likely that you have NEVER eaten that food. For me, that was Nutella. I don't remember every having eaten Nutella in my life. But if anyone asked, my standard answer was "I don't like hazelnut." Then, I went to a friends house, and she had made hazelnut gelato. She was so excited to have us all try it, that I didn't really feel like I could admit that I didn't like it. So, I took my bowl and took the world's tiniest bite. And then another, and then suddenly, my bowl was empty. How is it possible that I had never actually eaten hazelnuts? I immediately went to the local warehouse store and bought a two pack of the family sized Nutellas. I went to the food court and got a spoon and started "tasting" my acquisition. It wasn't pretty. It was Gremlins after midnight ugly. I think I ate about half the jar, the spoon, accidently bit my finger trying to lick it clean, and snarled at my husband for daring to attempt to eat a spoonful. Ok, maybe it was only that ugly in my own mind, but even so, it was certainly not dignified. So, here's my thought...what other things have I avoided, telling myself that I didn't like them? Fish...Brussels sprouts...tofu? Love 'em. Blue cheese...curry...herbal tea...OK well I still hate herbal tea, but the point is I've tried it! Repeatedly. So I have to wonder...what else am I missing out on because I have convinced myself that I don't like it? Or that I am not good at it? Or that I am not "supposed" to do it? It has become more and more important to me lately to make the most of each in the spirit of expanding my horizons, I think I'll go have some sushi, sing karaoke, and teach my kids how to shoot spitballs through a straw!